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Our Quality Policy

We wish to:

- Keep up with the fast moving sector by getting familiar with new information as we add value to our customers in each project and to provide our customers with this information.
- Develop permanent and long-term customer relationships in a customer based understanding instead of a Project-based understanding.
- Enhance the technical capabilities and the adequacy of the human resources in order to meet the demands and expectations of our customers perfectly.
- Provide timely and quality service and to make customer satisfaction permanent.
- Provide Quality Materials, Services and Quality HR services and to be customer-oriented.

ISO 9001:2008

OHSAS 18001:2007

ISO 14001:2004

Copyright © 2015 İstaş Teknolojik

Varyap Grand Plaza 111, Ataşehir, ISTANBUL/Türkiye
Telephone: +90 539 381 3330